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Non-Licensed HELOC Pre-Qualification

Welcome to Figure's HELOC Pre-Qualification API guide. This documentation provides all the necessary information for integrating and utilizing our Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) Pre-Qualification API, designed to streamline the pre-qualification process for partner systems.


The HELOC Pre-Qualification API allows you to initiate and manage HELOC pre-qualifications efficiently. It offers the ability to submit basic applicant and property information to generate a set of potential (pre-qualified) offers for an applicant.

The following sequence diagram illustrates the typical flow of a HELOC pre-qualification using the API:

HELOC Pre-Qualification Flow


While this API does not require an API key, each affiliate is provided a UUID which will be used when making a request. This UUID acts as the affiliate's key and is used to track which leads link to which affiliate.

Generate Offers

An affiliate can generate a set of pre-qualified offers by submitting basic applicant information and basic property information. The system uses this data for further processing and to determine the amounts and rates at which an applicant is able to borrow.


Fields that are colored yellowgreen are optional.

V2 Request

This endpoint requires an encrypted payload. The incoming payload should match the following format:

encrypted: string // encrypted pii payload

When decrypted, the encrypted field of the V2 payload should match the V1 payload.

V1 Request


The v1 endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use the v2 endpoint with encrypted payloads.

The incoming payload should match the following format:

"affiliateId": string, // UUID format
"firstName": string,
"lastName": string,
"suffix": string,
"email": string,
"address": {
"street1": string,
"street2": string, // apt # or other street identifier
"city": string,
"state": string, // 2-letter state code
"zip": string,
"type": string, // see spec for enum values
"ownership": string, // see spec for enum values
"ownerLegalName": string,
"requestType": string, // must be OFFERS
"householdIncome": number,
"dob": string, // YYYY-MM-DD
"fico": number, // nnn format
"leadId": string, // unique identifier for a lead optional
"phone": string,
"selfCreditRating": string, // see spec for enum values
"smsOptIn": boolean, // default false
"remarketingAllowed": boolean, // default true
"amountToBorrow": number,
"currentMortgageBalances": number,
"campaignName": string,
"campaignSubSource": string,
"ssn": string, // nnn-nn-nnnn format
"employmentStatus": string, // see spec for enum values
"monthlyExpenses": number,
"mailingAddress": {
"street1": string,
"street2": string, // apt # or other street identifier
"city": string,
"state": string, // 2-letter state code
"zip": string,
"type": string, // see spec for enum values
"ownership": string, // see spec for enum values
"ownerLegalName": string,
"loanPurpose": string, // see spec for enum values
"privacyPolicyOptIn": boolean, // default false
"queryParams": string,

An affiliate can choose to provide as many or as few of the optional fields. Including loanPurpose is highly encouraged to help deliver targeted advertising and minimize required inputs when onboarding. All other optional fields included in the request will be used when pre-populating the application start.


"status": string, // one of APPROVED or DECLINED
"product": string, // always HELOC
"offers": [
"term": number,
"rateType": string, // fixed
"loanAmount": number,
"interestRate": number,
"monthlyPayment": number,
"apr": number,
"originationFee": number