File Exchange
If you need to exchange files with Figure, whether that is one-way or bi-directional, we have a few options on how this can be done.
Files can optionally be GPG encrypted, please see Data Encryption for more information.
Figure does not require file transfers from all partners and will be requested if necessary.
The recommended file exchange option is Google Cloud Storage, but we can also use AWS S3, and if absolutely required, SFTP.
SFTP is not recommended as Google Cloud Storage and AWS S3 offer improved reliability and simpler lifecycle management.
Google Cloud Storage
With this option, Figure will provide a Google Cloud Storage bucket which you will be able to access with a GCP Service Account that you provide.
For more information about how to upload and download with Google Cloud Storage buckets, please visit the linked Google documentation.
What Figure needs from you
- The email address of your GCP Service Account
What you will need from Figure
- The name of the GCS Bucket
With this option, Figure will prove an AWS S3 bucket which you will be able to access with an AWS Role that you provide.
For more information about how to upload and download with S3 buckets, please visit the linked AWS documentation.
What Figure needs from you
- The full ARN of your AWS Role
What you will need from Figure
- The name of the S3 Bucket
With this option, Figure will provide an SFTP server that you will be able to access via username and SSH keys.
What Figure needs from you
- Your public SSH key
- The username associated with your SSH key
- The IP address or range from which you will be accessing Figure's SFTP server
What you will need from Figure
- The SFTP server address, which is